I'd recommend giving serious thought to how Google ended today's blog post: If a link is a form of endorsement and you are the one who creates most of the endorsements for your own site, does that give the best impression of your site? Our best link building advice is to focus on improving the content of your site and everything – including the links – will follow (no pun intended). Bottom line: Basically, you know if you were spreading this content primarily to get links. If so, you should work with those editors to implement nofollow or canonical. If you can't, you should consider opting out of links to Google. In the future,
I would look to implement nofollow or canonical as Google recommends, if you find the large-scale distribution brings you useful direct clicks and attention. I will say that no one should take this to mean that you can never distribute content or that content jewelry retouching service can't have any links at all that give credit back to an original site. Indeed, we have a lot of contributed content here on Search Engine Land. I would be among the first to yell at Google if I thought it was trying to tell us or anyone else that you
couldn't have such content unless you blocked all the links. What makes us feel safe about Why the Google Search Network Isn't Working for Your B2B Business Posted: 2020-11-18 Google search network It's not uncommon for B2B companies to feel frustrated with the Google search network. Their marketing teams have been running Search Network campaigns for a while, but they've seen little return on their investment. And so they conclude that as an ad network, the